Within the month of July 2022, Women in Alternative Action Cameroon in synergy with IFA-ZIVIK, the German Government Institute that supervises funding by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( MFA) have trained 40 Curriculum Development Experts and 50 CSOs and CBOs in the restive regions of the Northwest and Southwest Cameroon within the context of the project: "Peace Education for a More Peaceful Northwest and Southwest Cameroon".
The overall objective of this very crucial training was to adequately equip these key actors with skills and technical aptitude in Peacebuilding, Conflict Prevention and Peace Education so that they would champion the transformation of the current civic education curriculum to include Peace Education to inculcate Peace Culture into youth from a tender age.
At the end of these training sessions, the participants did not only demonstrate an interest in the Peace Education Program, by agreeing to incorporate this new approach into their peacebuilding strategies but as well proposed recommendations to the government to adopt a Peace Education Curriculum in Cameroon.