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Psychosocial Training on Trauma Healing and Reconciliation

Bamenda, North West Region

Dtae to be communicated


The Catholic Women’s Immaculate Conception Home at the Finance Junction Bamenda, North West Region

Buea, South West Region

Dat to be communicated


Hotel Eta Palace - Molyko

Background and Justifications

This project will continue to focus on crisis prevention in the North West and South West English-speaking Regions of Cameroon, which have witnessed violent clashes between separatist fighters and military since 2016. The protraction of the crisis has been affecting property and human life, while also hindering national development and the achievement of SDG16+. This is the second phase  of a project that seeks to not only prevent violence and but also to promote inclusiveness in peace processes by preventing further occurrence of crisis through scaling up the positive outcomes of phase 1 funded by Ifa-Zivick (KP044-20) and currently being implemented in the North West and South West. The project’s ultimate overall change is that peace and stability is established across Cameroon and most especially in the two conflict-prone English-speaking  regions.  

Intergenerational trauma refers to the ways in which trauma experienced in one generation affects the health and well-being of descendants of future generations. Negative effects can include a range of psychiatric symptoms as well as greater vulnerability to stress. During the monitoring sessions in the Phase I project, it was clear that the crisis in the North and South West regions of Cameroon have had devastating trauma effects on local communities, especially the youth. The project examined the long-term effects on descendants, and psychosocial processes of transmission and provided recommendations for future interventions which entail community mental health interventions. Social reconstruction is needed to rebuild the intangible but crucial fabric of human interactions that allows a society to function while also meeting the immediate psychosocial and social needs of people who stress of violent conflict. The goal is to ensure that Trauma patients in conflict affected communities of the North and South West regions of Cameroon receive adequate psychosocial care and support.


The main objective of this training is to build the capacity of caregivers with relevant skills to provide counselling to trauma victims in conflict and post conflict areas. Specifically, 

  • Provide participants with practical and easily accessible guidelines applicable to psychosocial caregivers to victims of trauma victims in conflict. 

  • Equip participants with skills and knowledge to make caregivers comfortable working with victims of gender-based violence and sexual violence in conflict. 

  • Improve accessibility, continuity and quality trauma and counselling services to community members 

Expected outcome

  • Community members will be able to receive quality, accessible and continuous trauma and counselling services.

  • Trained caregivers have the relevant skills to provide counselling to trauma victims in conflict and post conflict areas

  • Trained caregivers will be able to carry out community psychosocial awareness and trauma healing programs.


The Catholic Women’s Immaculate Conception Home at the Finance Junction Bamenda, North West Region

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