A Network Of People
Building Peace
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC)
GPPAC is a global member led network of civil society organisations (CSOs) who actively work on conflict prevention and peacebuilding.
WAA Cameroon is a member of GPPAC and the gender focal point for the East and Central African Region. With GPPAC, WAA Cameroon has implemented several programs such as organising a National Youth Camp For Peace (NYCP) and carried out a voluntary NAtional Review on SDG16+ in 2019.
The European Union
Since 1957, the European Union has kept its position as the leading economic partner and funder of Cameroon. The partnership between Cameroon and the European Union is dynamic, successful, and diverse. It is a cooperation that brings women and men determined on the development of a sovereign country engaged in a process of emergence and - beyond the sub-region - which promotes solidarity between human beings and promotes the values support and respect for human rights.
Amplify Change is an international funding program which focuses on eliminating gender-based violence, challenging stigma and discrimination, improving sexual health of young people, etc.
Thanks to the financial support from Amplify Change, WAA Cameroon has completed a program titled "Improving Cameroon's Penal and Socio-Cultural response to Child Marriage". In this program, a draft law on the prevention, prohibition and measures of support to end child marriage in Cameroon which is in the process of being adopted into the legal system of Cameroon.
Ifa Zivik
Ifa zivik is a Funding programme which supports civil society actors worldwide in preventing crises, transforming conflicts, and creating as well as stabilising peaceful social and political systems.
WIth funding from IFA - ZIVIK, WAA Cameroon is currently implementing a program in the North and South West Regions of Cameroon known as "Building Open Spaces for Youth Participation in Peace-building and Conflict Resolution".
forty youths of the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon have been trained and supported on how to carry out their income generation activities.
Open Society Initiative For West Africa
Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA), established in 2000, is an advocacy organization focused on equality, justice, democratic governance, human rights and knowledge generation. WAA Cameroon is partnering with the OSIWA on a project to “Transform the Mind-sets for Youth Engagement in Crisis Prevention and Inclusive Peace building in the crisis regions of Cameroon”