The Anglophone Crisis has given rise to several projects in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon. Amongst them is this European Union (EU) funded Voices of Youth in Cameroon for Peace – VOYCE project, which is a scale up of a recent project that Women in alternative Action (WAA Cameroon) implemented in partnership with the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict.
This EU funded project aims to contribute to the prevention of youth radicalization and re-radicalization (return to violence) in the conflict communities in the North West (NW) and South West (SW) Regions of Cameroon. The project has as primary objective to support young people in the NW and SW regions of Cameroon so that they actively participate as agents of change to promote peace and dialogue in the communities of these two regions.
The aim is for youth to be actively involved in promoting peace and contributing to more inclusive and effective locally-led conflict prevention efforts, ultimately strengthening community resilience to conflict in their communities in the NW and SW regions of Cameroon.
This should be achieved via a three-pronged strategic approach:
Youth participation: Youth actively participate as agents of change & mobilize other youth in promoting community cohesion and peace processes by sharing their voice and vision for sustaining peace.
Community cohesion: Community & traditional leaders promote community cohesion and include youth in the prevention and peace processes and in the implementation of inter-generational peace action plan, reflecting the needs of youth.
Youth Advocacy and Policy Making: Public authorities and other power holders on local, national and international levels are responsive to and act upon the needs and interests of youth.
Project Results:
Result 1: A Meaningful youth engagement and participation in national and continental efforts,
Result 2: Increased cooperation between civil society and state actors in North West and South West Regions of Cameroon.
The final external evaluation aims to:
Assess the relevance, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the project implementation;
Collect the changes induced by the program;
Provide lessons learned and recommendations to improve planning for any future projects;
Specific objectives
An assessment of project’s overall achievements, against the original aims and objectives;
An assessment of the overall implementation of the project including; strengths and weaknesses related to program management, implementation, and the effectiveness of project monitoring in informing the shape and delivery of activities.
An assessment of the impact and sustainability of the project in order to determine what significant achievements the project has brought about in the lives of target beneficiaries; how durable/ sustainable will these achievements be over time; and what aspects of the project have been least successful and/or most difficult to achieve.
An assessment of the partnership between WAA Cameroon and partners the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflicts (GPPAC), and Trauma Centre (TCC), with particular reference to interagency communication and relationships and partners’ perceptions of the program.
The Evaluation will cover the activities undertaken and the outputs achieved since the project began in May 2022, till March 2025 .
At the end of the evaluation, the main expected deliverables are:
An oral feedback presented to the project team at the end of the field mission. On this occasion, the first results and recommendations will be presented by the evaluator and discussed collectively.
Following this feedback, a preliminary report will be written by the evaluator, with main body not exceeding 30 pages, and sent to the project team for review and comments. This report will comprise of an analytical three-step approach, (1) policy and institutional set-up, (2) implementation process, (3) results. Technical details will be included to appendices (e.g. list of informants and the evaluation team’s work schedule); and all analysis of achievements will be supported with relevant data and the data source must be included.
A Validation session will be held with project staff and key stakeholders, in which the draft report will be presented for adoption.
After integrating the various comments, the final report will be drawn up and sent in soft and hard copy, no later than two weeks of the date the comments are received. The final report written in English will include an executive summary, as well as a detailed description of the methodology used, observations, conclusions and recommendations
For the final external Evaluation, a consultant firm will be recruited to conduct an interpretative qualitative evaluation, based on a study of documents, semi-structured interviews and an electronic survey.
The Study of documents will include primary data sources as well as secondary reports.
Semi-structured interviews will be organized with the project team members, targets and the stakeholder teams to test the preliminary findings.
Electronic survey will entail an e-survey sent to all partners including the EU office to gorge the level of visibility and exposure to the public.
Participatory tools/approaches will also be employed, through observations and focus group discussions.
WAA Cameroon and partners GPPAC and TCC shall share key project documentation with the evaluator to facilitate the process of evaluation, which will include:
Full Project Proposal (narrative, logical framework, project plan and budget);
Training Modules (produced and developed under this project);
Updated Progress Reports, including logical framework milestone reporting against
key indicators;
Project data (baseline study, workshop evaluation forms, and interviews)
Pay to the evaluator the agreed fees for the work done.
The evaluator should have relevant professional experience in:
Design and management of evaluation processes with multiple stakeholders;
Survey, design and implementation;
Social science research;
Project/program/policy planning, monitoring and evaluation.
The evaluator will need to have specific technical knowledge of, and be familiar with, the methodology or approach that will be needed for the specific evaluation to be undertaken.
The proposed evaluation will take place throughout the month of March 2025.
The oral feedback presented to the project team at the end of the field mission will take place during the first week of April 2025, and the first draft submitted two weeks after, during the 3rd week of April 2025.
The Validation session with project staff and key stakeholders, in which the draft report will be presented for adoption will hold one week later, during the last week of April 2025.
The final report after integrating the various comments will be submitted not later than two weeks after the date the comments are received.
How to apply:
Interested candidates are invited to submit their Resume, including a detailed methodology, and work plan, compiled in one single PDF document at waacameroon@yahoo.com